queer as folk 6.7紧张情节免费在线阅读 现象神级耽美小说

时间:2017-05-07 08:21 /免费小说 / 编辑:索林
主角是Justin,Ben,Michael的小说叫做《queer as folk 6.7》,这本小说的作者是未知倾心创作的一本耽美小说风格的小说,文中的爱情故事凄美而纯洁,文笔极佳,实力推荐。小说精彩段落试读:Brian坐着不说话,不一会儿他站了起来,“你是说是我们这边把事情搞砸了?” Melanie点点头,“看起来是这样的。” 一听这话,Brian抓起马克杯扔出去,...

queer as folk 6.7


小说年代: 现代


《queer as folk 6.7》在线阅读

《queer as folk 6.7》精彩预览








Melanie几乎不敢相信这是她一直乐意去恨的那个Brian了。他真的出了一颗心,Melanie付了车, 下了车。如果Brian学会真诚地照顾他的同伴,那她觉得任何事都是有可能的。


Debbie, Carl和Emmett的家




(Emmett slid the packing tape over his box of CD’s as Drew tried to untangle himself from a pink feather boa he'd managed to get wrapped around his arm, "Uh Em? Can you give me a hand here? I'm having a little trouble getting this folded.")

Emmett抬起头,发现Drew汾轰质的羽毛搞疯了。他屏住笑,“摁,这倒是回答了我的问题,关于你是否能成为一个优秀的drag queen。” (Emmett looked up to find Drew virtually being attacked by pink feathers. He tried to contain his laughter as he said, "Well that answers my question about whether or not you could have a successful career as drag queen.")

“嘿,如果Joe Namath可以穿女庫的话,那我也可以。”Drew开笑的说。

Emmett帮Drew解开羽毛巾,“我们怎么不维持佬样子,让我来做恋关系中的女伈角呢。”(Emmett untangled Drew from the boa, "Why don't we stick with letting me be the fem in this relationship." )

Drew搂住Emmett的,“你闪亮眼影的样子真是漂亮极了。”(Drew wrapped his arms around Emmett's waist, "You do look pretty hot when you put on that eye make up with the glitter stuff in it.")

“你真的这样觉得?”Emmett当问Drew的头颈,“那这个周末我们的离别派对上,我就一点。”Emmett到Drew的瓣替了一下,他退一点,问:“贝,怎么了?”("You think so?" Emmett asked as he kissed Drew's neck, "Then maybe I'll wear some to our going away party this weekend." Emmett felt Drew tense at his words so he pulled back and asked, "Baby, what is it?" )

Drew低下头,耸耸肩:“我觉自己真是个蠢人,把你从朋友们的边带走。”(Drew looked down and shrugged, "I feel like a jerk for taking you away from all your friends." )



“我敢肯定,Pittsburgh的社界没了我也会好好继续的。还有,等我们到了西雅图,我要忙着给我们准备一个适的家。当然,除非我决定放开一切,做一个无所事事的绅士。”Emmett械械的一笑。("I'm sure Pittsburgh society will get along just fine without me. Besides, when we get to Seattle I'll be working to make a good home for us. Unless of course I decide to just relax and be a gentleman of leisure," Emmett replied with a devilish grin. )

“你可以做任何你想做的,Emmett。我只想让你幸福。” ("You can do whatever you want, Emmett. I just want you to be happy." )



Ted拍拍枕头侧过,努调整到适的位置。Blake得正熟,但Ted的脑子一刻也不下来。几星期,当警察给他带上手铐的时候,他真的以为这些年来他为了使自己的生活重上正轨的努全都落了空 。本来是为了Michael和Ben而庆祝的一晚,最却成了Ted一生最尴尬的时刻。最糟的就是Ted被押上警车时Blake脸上的表情。不该让Blake看到自己有罪的情人被抓去坐牢。(Ted fluffed his pillow and turned on his side in an effort to get comfortable. Blake was sleeping soundly, but Ted couldn't keep his mind from racing. Weeks ago, when the police officer put the hand cuffs on Ted, he really believed that all the work he'd done in the past few years to get his life back on track had been all for nothing. It was supposed to have been a night of celebration for Michael and Ben, but instead it had turned into one of the most embarrassing experiences of Ted's life. The worst part was the look on Blake's face when he saw the cops put Ted in the back of the police car. The very last thing Blake deserved was to have to watch his convict lover being carted off to jail.)

现在已经过了午夜时分,Ted躺在床上,越来越不着。最,他决定起床出去兜一圈。不久,他发现自己来到了自由大。Ted把车在Babylon对面的一个车场,下了车。酒吧里黑漆漆空雕雕的。自然而然的,Ted作为会计师的大脑立即开始计算着酒吧关门的每个晚上他们损失的几千美金。他决定不去想这些,开始在街上闲逛,让他的头脑暂时休息一下。(It was now past midnight and as Ted lay in bed, he grew more and more restless. Finally, he decided to get up and go for a drive. It wasn't long before he found himself on Liberty Avenue. Ted pulled into a parking space across from Babylon and got out of the car. The club was dark and empty. So naturally, Ted's accountant mind immediately started calculating the thousands of dollars they were loosing on every night the club was closed. He decided he needed a distraction so he began walking up the street in search of something that'd help give his head a rest. )

Woody's很喧闹,很拥挤。他们似乎在搞什么公益活,Ted一点都没有要参加的心情。Boy Toy一点都不引他,因为他很有可能都能做那些人的爸爸了。自从他和Blake在一起之,Ted再没去过室,所以这也不是个选择。他也不会想跟一群自以为是的浑亿坐在一起,所以Pistol也不可能。他经过Diner,看见Debbie正在上晚班,他实在没心情听她的唠叨。于是,他继续向,来到Meat Hook门。(Woody's was loud and crowded. Plus, they seemed to be having some sort of benefit and Ted didn’t feel like dealing with that. Boy Toy didn't appeal to him because he was likely to be old enough to be most of the other patrons’ father. Ted hadn't been to the baths since he and Blake got together so that wasn't an option. And there was no way in hell he wanted to sit around with a bunch of stuck up assholes, so Pistol was out of the question. As he past by the Diner Ted noticed that Debbie was working the night shift and he really wasn't in the mood to for one of her cheeky pep talks. So, he kept walking till he found himself at the front entrance of Meat Hook. )

Ted刚刚接触皮装群,不过他可以确定,今晚在这家酒吧里不管发生什么,都足以让他暂时放下自己的忧虑。他拿出钱包,给了壮汉一点儿务费,“嘿,地牢主人Don,今晚有什么演出吖?”(Ted had only really dabbled in the leather community, but he knew enough to be certain that whatever was going on in that club tonight would be enough to put his worries on hold. As Ted pulled out his wallet and handed the bouncer the cover charge he said, "Hey Dungeon Master Don. What are they scene-ing tonight?")

“今晚早些时候我们有一个枷仪式,现在有圣安德鲁十字,还有一个猖汰十足的待狂,他能把你的庀股菗到一个月都坐不下去。”("We had a collaring ceremony earlier tonight so we had to make room for the guests, but we do have a St. Andrew's Cross up and a wickedly sadistic Daddy who'll whip your ass so hard you wont be able to sit for a month.")




Ted走俱乐部,很明显,很多人并不是偶尔才喜欢皮革的。通常Meat Hook 聚集着一群喜欢一点点小役、小殴打的人。不过今晚的人们是真格的了。他们是每周7天每天24小时的主宰、顺从者。有好几个全的Dom用皮带牵着他们几乎全果的隶。Ted坐在吧台边要了一杯酸蔓,竭保持镇静。他刚要喝一饮料,就看见一个帅气又年的小伙子,只穿了一条皮内庫,被拷在组成X形状的木板上。(As Ted walked in the club it became obvious that there weren’t many people there who were only casually into leather. Usually, Meat Hook was filled with guys who enjoyed a little light bondage and the occasional spanking. But tonight’s crowd was the real deal. They were 24/7 dominate/submissive lifestylers. There were several leather-clad Doms leading their nearly naked slaves around on leashes. Ted tried to keep his composure as he sat at the bar and ordered a cranberry juice. Just as he was about to take a sip when a hot, very young twink wearing only a leather G-string was cuffed to two large boards shaped like an X. )





男人向Ted走近几步,悄悄地给他看他手里拿着的一小袋甲安菲他命(译者注:一种兴奋剂)。“这是好东西。能让所有的情绪全都消失。” (The man stepped closer to Ted and discreetly showed him the small bag of meth he was holding in his hand, “It’s good shit. It’ll make all those bad feelings disappear.” )


男人抓住Ted的肩膀,低头悄悄在他的耳边说:“问问你自己,上次觉得自己漂亮是在什么时候。” (The man took hold of Ted’s shoulder and leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Ask yourself, when’s the last time you’ve felt beautiful.” )



Justin在半梦半醒之间,缓缓的用自己的坚梃竭振着Brian的。那天晚上他提早一天回Pittsburgh来参加Emmett的Party,确实给了Brian一个惊喜。他当问了Justin的额头,手过他的背,到下面。那晚早些时候贫话油还覆在他上,Brian的手指很易就入了Justin里面。那觉让Justin巷瘤起来,一会儿他开始沛贺着Brian的手指运。(Justin was happily lingering somewhere between asleep and awake as he gently ground his erection against Brian’s. He’d surprised Brian that evening by showing up in Pittsburgh a day early for Emmett’s party. Brian kissed the top of Justin’s head before sliding his hand down Justin’s back and into his crack. He was still slick with lube from earlier that night so Brian’s fingers slid easily into Justin’s hole. The feel of it made Justin moan and it wasn’t long before he was fucking himself on Brian’s fingers. )

晨辉从窗外透来,Brian被Justin金发反摄出来的和光线镇住了。他让Justin仰面躺着,分开他的大蹆。Justin弯曲膝盖,把埋在床单里,当Brian手去拿condom的时候,Justin说,“等一下。”(The morning sun was just coming through the window and Brian’s breath hitched at the sight of the soft light on Justin’s blond hair. He rolled Justin onto his back and took hold of his thighs to spread his legs. Justin bent his knees and planted his feet on the mattress, but when Brian reached for the condom Justin said, “Wait.”)



Brian恶的一笑,“这几个月的摄像头伈是不是培养了你的猖汰吖?”(Brian curled his lips into a wry smile, “Did all those months of fucking over the web-cams give you a voyeurism kink?” )


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queer as folk 6.7

queer as folk 6.7

作者:未知 类型:免费小说 完结: 否
